Archive for October, 2010

Laser Hair Removal – Bikini Hairs

October 2, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

The Laser hair removal for the Bikini hairs refers to the removal of the unwanted hairs in the bikini areas and it results in reduction in ingrown hairs and allows you to get rid of razor bumps. There is a huge demand for the removal of hairs on the pubic area. By using the laser hair removal on pubic area, one can get effective treatment and it also takes care of other concerns apart from the cosmetic looks. Most of the time people want to treat the common occurrences of folliculitis, inflammation or infection of the hair follicles. These diseases led to the painful and itchy lesions. In fact, the inflammation may lead to secondary hyper-pigmentation and darkening of the skin. The laser hair removal helps in reduction of the hair growth and stops recurrent folliculitis.

Laser Hair Removal – Bikini Hairs Laser hair removal also prevents the consequent folliculitis and skin darkening. Some of the lasers are designed to reduce the persistent skin redness that results from folliculitis. They are helps in eliminating the occurrences of hyper-pigmentation. These are major benefits offered by Laser hair removal on the pubic areas apart from getting clean and smooth area without any hair growth. Majority of the people desires to have a bikini area that is free of hair, irritation and discoloration.

By using the other hair removal methods such as applying waxing, depilatory creams, and electrolysis, one can get the limited benefits, These methods are also difficult to use and not permanent in nature. Bikini laser hair removal led to permanent reduction in the large number of the pubic hair areas in four to six treatments. The process is rapid and easily tolerated. The hair removal reduces the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases and eliminates the occurrences of any pubic lice infections.

Laser Hair Removal – Alexandrite and Diode

October 1, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Alexandrite (755 nm Wavelength)

Alexandrite laser is regarded as the fastest of all the laser types and it is also good for treating the larger body areas in patients that have light-to-olive complexion. It is regarded as the most widely used hair removal lasers today. This type of laser is suitable for skin type I of Fitzpatrick Skin Type that refers to light skin tones. Some of the advantages of Alexandrite laser hair removal includes its

excellent skin penetration rate, its effectiveness on finer and thinner hairs and its effectiveness with

white skin tones.

Laser Hair Removal - Alexandrite and Diode The side effects of Alexandrite laser hair removal includes that this laser may lead to pigment changes (darkening or lightening) of the skin and it is also not suitable for darker skin tones. Some of the popular Alexandrite Laser Devices available in the market include EpiTouch Plus, Apogee, and GentleLASE. Alexandrite lasers are considered to be fastest laser hair removal systems, however they are not recommended for any skin tone apart from very white skin tone.

Diode laser Hair Removal

The Diode Laser is an ideal treatment for hair removal for darker skin and it is less effective on finer, lighter hair. It is suitable for skin types I – III in Fitzpatrick Skin Type, however it can also be used for other skin types. The advantages of diode laser includes longer wavelength that offers best results in

dark-skinned people, deeper and safer penetration into the skin layer, and quick coverage of larger areas of body

There are few side effects of Diode laser hair removal as it leads to skin discoloration, redness, scars, burns, and swelling. It may also lead to condition known as urticaria in the treated persons. Some of the famous Diode Laser Devices available in the market includes MeDioStar, Light Sheer, SLP 100, F1 Diode, LaserLite, Epistar and Apex 800.

Affordable Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Hair removal is a sophisticated and very intricate process. If you would like to go for laser hair removal then you should ensure that you will get it done from a reputed clinic and place your health and safety before anything else. Usually, the laser hair removal is costly as comparison to other hair removal treatments like waxing, shaving and others. You can follow the below mentioned guidelines to lose more of your unwanted hairs and make savings simultaneously.

Affordable Laser Hair RemovalPackages – Most of the clinics will provide a series of treatments in a package. If you go for individual treatment, it may prove costly therefore you can select the package of treatments for making savings on overall costs of treatment. There are some clinics that provide tailor made customized packages for you and work out the discounted rates as applicable.

Getting treatments done at your home – You can do the laser and IPL treatments done at your home. The current laser and IPL home models can be used safely on the face or neck. They are beneficial in permanent hair removal if you have the right combination of light skin and dark hair. You need to be careful about the device selected by you so that you will get the proper treatment out of it.

Care Credit – In case you would like to buy a package of treatments and you do not have enough cash with your credit card is not functional then you can take services of Care Credit. It is basically a loan company that provides many medically-based procedures including laser. You can do proper research on the websites of the companies to get the details about availing their services.

Stay in Touch – You should make it a point to stay in touch with your laser hair treatment facility or centre. You can get yourself signed up for their membership and registered with their newsletter. This way, you will be aware of any special promotions immediately when they are released by email or mail.

Laser Hair Removal – Costs

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The Laser Hair Removal is very effective in removing the hairs on the various regions of the body permanently; however the cost for getting hair removed by using laser is a major consideration for choosing it. Generally, the cost of laser hair removal varies much depending on the various factors including the kind of laser to be used, the amount of hair growth in question and body geography. These costs are also based on the time required for various sessions, body area for treatment, and payment package selected by you.

Laser Hair Removal – Costs There are some clinics of Laser Hair Removal that offers discounts in case the payment is made in advance. You should do proper research about the prices offered by various clinics in your area. However, if you would like to go for laser hair removal you should not only think a lot about the prices involved in the process and also consider the quality of treatment you will get along with various other advantages of using laser over other treatment options available.

The cost of the laser hair removal also varies a lot between individuals as the pattern of hair growth is different from person to person. The treatment and the results you will get can be tailored as per your specific requirements. You will be asked to come for consultation by many clinics so that they can analyze the treatment required and quote a price for the process. There are different pricing schemes used by laser hair removal clinics and you should make a note of it. It may vary from one clinic to other, however there would not be much difference and you will find the similar quotes in the end. Some of the pricing methods adopted by clinics include Fee per unit of time of appointment, Fixed fee per treatment, and Price per laser pulse used.