Archive for October, 2010

Laser Hair Removal – Post Treatment Care

October 4, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

The after effects of laser hair removal are usually temporary in nature and one can resume the normal activities immediately after the treatment. The recovery time for this treatment is very less. One can really take care of his skin well after laser treatments so that to achieve the maximum results during and after the treatment. Once the treatment is over, the skin may become slightly red in the treated area and it gets swollen. You can also apply cold compresses on the skin surface for soothing it. Normally the sensation disappears after few hours and in some extreme cases, the skin will take day or two to return to normal state.

Laser Hair Removal – Post Treatment Care In fact, the speed of recovery of the skin to normal level depends on the skin sensitivity level, and the amount of laser energy exposed to it for the removal of hair. The skin of some people requires more energy for achieving successful hair removal as compared to others. This skin takes longer time to recover. In fact, it is not really necessary to take time out to allow skin to recover and patient may resume his daily work immediately. You can also use a mild cleanser for cleaning the treated area however you may avoid strong soaps that leads to drying of the skin and perfumed soaps that may cause irritation to the skin.

It is recommended using the emollients and topical corticosteroid creams for keeping the affected area moist and reducing the redness and swelling. In case there are blisters and crusting, one needs to contact the laser clinic for taking advice. Any blisters and crusting can be readily treated with daily soaks and antibiotic ointment. For severe blisters and crusting, one should not continue with the future laser hair removal sessions.

Laser Hair Removal – Permanent Side Effects

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Once a patient undergoes Laser Hair Removal treatment, he can experience permanent side effects. However, it is possible to minimise these side effects by taking precautions and getting the treatment done from experienced practitioner only. Some of the permanent side effects experienced by the patients after the treatment include the following.

Laser Hair Removal - Permanent Side Effects Skin discoloration – It refers to the permanent lightening of the skin in the affected area. The laser functions by targeting the pigmentation in darker coloured hair, it can also affect darker coloured skin also. There is no clear idea regarding how the skin lightening takes place but indications reflect that the laser leads to the destruction of melanocyte pigment producing cells of the skin. The skin discoloration can be permanent although it is very slow in some of the cases.

Burns – Burns are another major side effect of laser hair removal. However, it is possible to reduce the chances of burn by careful performing the steps of laser removal. The occurrence of burns is rare and they are more of accidental in nature when performed by less qualified technicians. The burns can be painful, but it can be healed with proper care.

Scaring – Scaring is usually observed in the cases when the area is treated by minimally trained practitioner as a matter of accident. It results from severe burns due to inappropriate use of laser hair treatments. In fact if the intensity of the laser light applied for hair removal crosses the limit that can handle by skin then it leads to burning deep in the skin dermis. It is later healed by the skin by forming a scar. Although the Laser hair removal is a safe treatment however there are some temporary side effects, including lighter or darker marks, in tanned and dark skins.

Laser Hair Removal Equipments

October 3, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

There are various Laser Hair Removal equipments available in the market and the selection of a machine is based on the variety of factors including the skin type. There are some systems that are not 100% safe for specific skin types. Using these system leads to various side effects such as burning or skin discoloration. In case of robust skin that can stand higher laser fluencies, you can use the lasers for producing better long term results.

Some of the commonly used machines for laser hair removal are as follows.

Laser Hair Removal Equipments Laser Type NdYag – This laser hair removal machines is successful for darker skin types with minimal risk. As they are designed to safeguard the dark skin from the side effects like blistering, they are considerable less effective on fine hair. It is not recommended for the white skin.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) "Lasers" – It is based on the same concept as laser however it is not a laser. They are successful IPL laser machines that can be used for many skin types. They are difficult to operate as compared to laser but they can give results in all types of skin. The success of this machine depends on the experience as well as the talent of the laser operator.

Laser Type Alexandrite – Alexandrite laser hair removal systems are designed to be highly effective for dark-haired patients with white-skin. It is not recommended for the persons with darker skin.

Diode Lasers – The Diode laser hair removal machines are ideal for white-skinned patients and are effective on other skin types. The results obtained with these systems are not effective.

Ruby Laser Machines – These machines are suitable for white skin and they give good results in long term hair removal treatment. They are a bit old fashioned and less effective as compared to newer laser hair removal machines.

Laser Hair Removal – Nd Yag

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The Nd Yag long pulse laser is very effective in removing the hairs on all types of skin safely. It can also be used in the tanned skin. Some of the advantages include its fast repetition rates and large coverage areas that permit the treatment of large body areas quickly. Patients might feel discomfort during the procedure which will disappears soon. It is also useful in removing hairs in people with light or fine hair.

Laser Hair Removal - Nd Yag Nd Yag Laser is effective for all types of skin (type I to type VI) as per Fitzpatrick Skin Type. Its efficacy on darker and tanned skin is proven and it can be recommended in person with darkly pigmented skin. There are many studies that show the efficacy of these lasers in preventing growth of hairs for prolonged duration in treated areas. It can treat the larger boy areas rapidly. Apart from these benefits, Nd Yag comes with few side effects as well. This laser is not effective on light or white hair as compared to other lasers. In case of fine hair, it is less effective and more painful. It may lead to

scars, burns, skin discoloration, redness, and swelling. Moreover, it has not been effective in achieving the long term results.

The different types Nd Yag Laser Devices Available in the market includes Medlite IV, Varia, CoolGlide, Athos, Lyra, and Image. The specifications of Nd Yag Laser includes Wavelength of 1064 nm, Repetition rate Up to 10 Hz, Pulse width upto 10-50 ms, Spot size of 3-5 mm and Fluence of 20-100. YAG laser is comparatively new technique of laser hair removal that can work on all types of skin including even tanned skin and darker skin. It scores above other lasers in this area and it also gives good results in light skin.

Laser Hair Removal – Ruby (694 nm)

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Ruby (694 nm) is the regarded as the oldest type of laser that is used for the removal of hair. It functions best for light and fine hair types. It is not recommended for the people that have darker skin, and tanned skin. It is an ideal treatment for hair removal for persons with fair or white skin. In fact, they cover a comparatively smaller area in comparison with other lasers and this feature has made these lasers popular for the purpose of hair removal. This is found to be ideal treatment for the skin type I and II of Fitzpatrick Skin Type that refers to the fair and white skin.

Laser Hair Removal – Ruby (694 nm) The advantages of Ruby laser hair removal includes long term hair removal, Pain free procedure and built in cooling equipment. This cooling equipment helps in minimizing the chances of burns and other side effects related to the laser hair removal. Moreover, if the hairs growth is back after the treatment, it will be very fine and sparser and virtually unnoticeable.

There are certain side effects of Ruby laser hair removal as it cannot be used on the persons that have tanned or dark skin. Its usage is limited to people with only white or light hair. It is useful for treatment on a relatively smaller area and thus requires more number of sessions for the complete hair removal of the region. The laser comes with a slow repetition rate that increases the time for treatment and it causes risk of redness, swelling, burns, scars, and skin discoloration.

The different types of Ruby Laser Devices available include EpiPulse Ruby, Palomar E2000, and RubyStar. The specifications of the Ruby Laser comprises of wavelength of 694 nm, Repetition rate of 0.5 – 1.2 Hz, Spot size of 3-10 mm, Pulse width of 0.85-3 ms and Fluence of 5-40. Ruby laser comes with a long track record for achieving long-term hair reduction for dark hair and fair skin types.

Laser Hair Removal – In Dark Skin

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One of the major factors to be considered while using the Laser Hair Removal is the patient’s skin type and hair colour. The degree of contrast in colour between the hair skin and colour is also useful in determining the procedure of Laser Hair removal and the type of laser to be used. The differential absorption of melanin in the skin epidermis and melanin in the hair follicle determines the amount of laser energy for safe usage. The patient should have light skin with black hair that presents a very sharp contrast. It happens when there are many pigments in the hair but very less pigment in the skin. A patient with dark skin with white or grey hair shows little response to laser hair removal and they are not recommended to pursue the laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal - In Dark Skin There are some forms of laser that are very effective in laser hair removal for people with dark skins. For example, the shorter laser light wavelengths like ruby laser that has wavelength of 694nm, and alexandrite laser with wavelength of 755nm should be used with caution in darker skinned patients as it may cause the risk of hypo pigmentation, pain, and blistering. The Dark hair actually absorbs the laser light better as compared to blond or red hair. However, generally patients have blond or red hair along with lighter skin that permits the safe usage of higher laser energies. There is no device available currently that works well in patients with grey hair due to absence of melanin.

You should try to correct the underlying cause for the excess hair such as endocrine abnormalities and medication effect such as oral contraceptives, minoxidil, steroids, and others immunosuppressive agents. Any dark skinned candidate may experience bad outcome and require far more treatments as compared to other two skin types. Also, if the person skin is dark, he will experience less beneficial results. Darker skinned candidates should get their laser hair removal done from the experienced and talented practitioner only.

Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal

October 2, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Intense Pulsed Light Devices are not strictly the laser devices and in fact, they are based on the same concept as used by laser for the removal of hair. They are based on the principle of selective photo-thermolysis for removing the hairs where only a melanin pigment is targeted by the rays and leave the skin unaffected. However, one drawback of these IPL devices is that they are more difficult to operate as compared to lasers. These devices need a skilled and experienced technician for operating them. In fact, Intense Pulsed Hair removal is recommended for all the skin types including all the shades between white and black. It is also effective on all types of hair.

Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal The intense hair removal can work on all the skin types including Skin Type V and it offer best results in persons with dark hair colour and lighter skin colour. The main advantage of IPL hair removal includes its ability to handle any type of skin and to offer the personalised and customised treatment on the basis of hair depth, hair colour, and skin colour. While using the Intense Pulsed Light Devices, one should take care that the surrounding skin does not get injured.

Apart from the numerous benefits, using of IPL also lead to many side effects including lack of long-term studies on effectiveness or safety of IPL devices. It causes paler or darker skin due to the damage to skin pigment cells and does not guarantee 100% effectiveness on red hair, blonde hair, and white hair. Some of the famous Intense Pulsed Lighted devices available in the market are PhotoDerm, Vasculight, Aculight , EpiLight, and Quantum. This is considered to be most effective and safest devices available for hair removal. The extent of the side effects is also reduced in modern devices.

Laser Hair Removal – Face and Facial Hair

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The usage of laser hair removal is extremely popular among both males and females. They use it as an effective treatment for removal of unwanted hairs. One of the common uses of Laser hair removal treatment is in the removal of facial hairs. It can benefit both males and females.

Facial laser hair removal for women – The presence of unwanted hairs on the face is uncomfortable for women and they feel embarrassed because of it. The usage of temporary treatment options like shaving and waxing does not serve the permanent removal of facial hairs. Thus, laser is an ideal treatment solution for removing unwanted facial hairs. This method is easy, comfortable and speedy as compared to other methods such as electrolysis or waxing. The hair removal procedure is over within few minutes and you can walk out to resume your daily activities without worrying about facial hairs any more.

Laser Hair Removal - Face and Facial Hair Facial laser hair removal for men – Using the laser for the removal of facial hair is catching up fast in men. Most of the men need to spend few minutes daily to do shaving before moving out of the house. It takes time and sometime in hurry may lead to cutting of facial skin accidently. Some men may dislike spending time on shaving and would love to remove the facial hair growth permanently. Laser provides the answers to their needs as it helps in permanent facial hair removal. Thus laser replaces the need of shaving completely. Moreover, the laser hair treatments provide a neat appearance to the face by eliminating hair in the eyebrows. You should ensure to get your laser done by expert physician.

Laser hair removal not only removes the unwanted hairs it also prevents hair irritation and the development of folliculitis that is marked by the inflammation of hair follicles. The Laser hair removal for facial hair is easy, fast and least painful as compared with other treatment options. The hair removal process may require you to attend many sessions but the treatment lasts longer.

Laser Hair Removal – Mode of Action

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The mechanism of action behind laser hair removal is the selective photothermolysis (SPTL). Lasers can lead to the damage of hairs in a localized area by selectively heating the dark pigment melanin. It damages the area of hair growth (the follicle), and do not harm the rest of the skin. It is based on the principle that light is absorbed by dark objects, thus laser energy can be absorbed by the presence of dark material in the skin with speed and intensity. The dark target matter related to the hair growing region is known as chromophore and it can be either naturally-occurring or induced artificially.

Laser Hair Removal – Mode of Action Hair removal lasers are designed in such a fashion that they selectively target melanin. Melanin is regarded as the chief chromophore for all the hair removal lasers available today. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and it is this pigment that provides colour to skin and hair. In hair, there are basically two types of melanin including eumelanin that is responsible for brown or black colour and pheomelanin that provides hair blonde or red colour. Due to the selective absorption of photons of laser light, it is possible to remove only black or brown hair. Laser hair removal functions best with dark coarse hair. The best results of the laser are observed with light skin and dark hair. There are also new lasers in the market that target dark black hair in person with dark skin.

Laser hair removal has become widely famous as it is fast and offers good efficacy. The efficacy of the treatment is also depends on the skill and experience of the laser operator. The choice and availability of different laser technology also determine the efficacy of treatment. Some treatment might require touch-up treatments on large areas after 3-8 sessions. Overall, it is one of the best treatment options for hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal – Chest Hair

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There are some men that dislike the hairs on the chest and may want to eliminate the hairs on the chest. This trend is more prominent among the various models or actors that want to show off their carved bodies without wearing anything on upper part of the body. In fact, some men may feel embarrassed by unwanted dense and thick hair growth on the chest. Also, some men prefer to move out in picnic or for swimming and they are conscious to not show off the chest hairs. To remove the chest hairs by using shaving, waxing or tweezing are impractical treatments and laser provide the ideal solution for the removal of laser hair.

Laser Hair Removal - Chest Hair Laser hair removal for eliminating the chest offers the best results in removing hairs permanently. As in case of back hairs, there are various lasers available in the market and proper laser should be selected depending on the chest hair density, thickness and others. You should ensure to get your laser done for chest hair removal properly. There are lots of procedures available for removing the unwanted chest hair and the laser based hair removal proves to be best because of the ease of usage and minimal time needed. It takes few minutes to an hour for the removal of chest hairs. The time required depends on the amount of hair growth and the size of the treatment area.

The Laser based hair removal for the chest hairs is very less painful as compared to waxing. It is completed quickly with permanent results as compared to shaving. If you do shaving for removal of chest hairs then you need to do it repeatedly so that it remains hair-free. The athletes opt for the removal of chest hair as it helps them in their activities and sports. Swimmers in particular clock less time in finishing the laps by removing the hairs. Thus, laser hair removal proves to be very useful for athletes also.