Archive for October, 2010

Laser Hair Removal Certification

October 8, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Laser hair removal is a growing profession with more number of people are opting for laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hairs permanently. It is a great business venture that has immense growth potential because a large section of people today are extremely conscious of their physical appearances. They can spend freely in order to look and feel good. Laser Hair Removal is one of the ways they can use for improving their looks. Laser hair removal has helped millions of people across the world in permanent removing the unwanted hairs. The growing demand has led to the opening of large number of laser clinics across the countries in every major city.

Laser Hair Removal Certification There is a good demand for trained and skilled laser hair removal technicians in the market and one can take this profession as a rewarding career opportunity. One should get a Laser Hair removal certification in order to learn the details of the work. The first step in obtaining the certification is to search for a reputable school that provides training for laser hair removal. There are many schools in that provide these kinds of training. There are numerous beauty schools offer training in hair treatment and removal, as part of their course. One can also find the specialist schools that provide specific courses for laser hair removal.

One should search for schools or training centres that provide licensed certification once the program is completed. You should ensure that the school or the training centre is recognised one and offers laser hair removal training programs that are approved by state. During these trainings, you will get hands-on experiences for using various instruments along with minute details. These experiences prepare you to carry out the laser hair removal efficiently. Once your program is over, you will be awarded a laser hair removal certificate that proves that you are qualified and skilled enough to practice laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal – Underarms and Arms hair

October 7, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Underarm laser hair removal

Laser Hair Removal – Underarms and Arms hair Using the Laser Hair Removal is very effective for underarms and it is a common practise for people who want to remove the unwanted under arm hair. In fact, every laser light pulse effectively removes the unwanted hair present in the underarm region. The laser targets the hairs that are growing and completely removes them by damaging the follicular region. As the hair growth occurs as per the cycles, there is requirement of multiple hair removal sessions for permanently removing all the underarm hairs. The treatment of Laser hair removal for underarms is pretty fast as the armpits makes up a comparatively smaller area. The procedure is over within few minutes and removal of underarm hair is considered to one of the fastest hair removal methods. It will leave you with smoother and attractive underarms and give you confidence to move around without thinking much about showing your underarms hairs.

Arm Hair laser hair removal

The presence of unwanted hairs on the arms may lead to embarrassment for the persons as it appear unattractive. In fact, it also affects the self esteem of the persons and they may feel insecure about their presence. Some of the short term solutions include the Waxing and shaving. But it leads to irritation on the arms and the result is temporary. The hair begins to grow again very soon. Laser assisted hair removal provides a long lasting solution for the removal of unwanted arm hair. It is the perfect treatment for getting the permanent hair reduction on forearms and upper arms in both females and females. It usually takes about three to five sessions with the laser for obtaining the permanent results. The procedure leads to discomfort and less pain as compared to waxing. The time taken for treatment depends on various factors such as hair thickness, surface area, hair density, and other factors.

Laser Hair Removal – Preparation

October 6, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Laser Hair Removal - Preparation The preparation of the Laser Hair Removal treatment takes into consideration many factors that help in the procedure of laser hair removal. You should try to keep away from sun rays in the weeks $preceding a hair laser removal session. It is because the tanned skin is a contra-indication for the treatment. In fact, the darker skin will absorb more laser energy during the treatment. Thus, it will render the procedure more painful and more laser energy is absorbed for damaging the skin. People who are taking medication should tell all the details to the doctor as some drugs may reacts with laser light and in that case the laser treatment needs to be postponed.

You should take into account your natural hair and skin colour prior to sign up for laser hair removal. The treatment works best on fair-skinned people with dark hair. In case you are tanned or possess a darker skin tone, then more laser gets absorbed by the melanin pigment located in the skin and its effect in damaging the hair follicle gets reduced. It limits the effect of the treatment and may damage the skin. Also, the tanned skin in the light-haired people also does not give good results on laser hair removal even though their hair contains little melanin.

In fact, there are three or four treatments in the time span of six to eight weeks is required for achieving the effective reduction in the hair and hair growth in the treated area of the skin. Once you are done with the treatment, you need to wait for almost a year to see its complete effect. Usually the Hair growth cycle is about six months long and one needs to see the effect of laser hair removal for a year. In case you are going for removal of facial hair, you should not shave at least a week before the treatment.

Laser Hair Removal – Leg Hair

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The Laser Hair removal can be used for removing the hairs from the legs in order to eliminate the unwanted hairs growth on legs. This process of using laser is very fast and it can save huge amount of time and energy for most of the women. While removing the unwanted hair growth from the legs using laser, the results obtained are very impressive and leave the legs looking clean and smoother as compared to shaving. The laser can also led to saving of many hours of precious time. In case of those women who are interested in waxing, the laser hair removal is less painful and more economical in the long term.

Laser Hair Removal - Leg Hair The results of Laser hair removal are not guaranteed to provide complete remove of leg hairs permanently, however it led to the reduction of the hair growth by a huge margin. Moreover, this therapy also lightens the hair colour and making it less noticeable. The laser procedure can be done quickly and it takes roughly from few minutes to an hour depending on the area that is operated. In fact, it requires three to four treatments that last from six to eight weeks for achieving the significant results.

The laser hair removal for the bikini area is based on the various factors such as hair density, hair thickness, skin colour, and hair colour. These factors are taken into consideration while selecting the best suitable laser system by the physician. In fact, there are clinics that have good experience in laser hair removal and they can select the best suitable laser depending on their evaluation. The Laser hair removal can be done quickly on the bikini area and the result is permanent. The treatment may lasts for about 5 sessions and there is marked reduction in hair growth.

Laser Hair Removal – Ways of Pricing

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There are different ways of determining pricing for the laser hair removal. Some of the popular ways of pricing are mentioned below.

Fixed fee per treatment – There are some clinics that charge a flat fee for the treatment of laser hair removal. This fee is based on per treatment basis as well as on the package wise. There are some clinics that may charge a flat rate for the specific area of the body like men’s facial hair and it is irrespective of the amount of hair growth in every individual. In contrast to this, some clinic will charge the fees on the basis of particular back hair growth pattern. However, you may also get the fees tailored as per your customized treatments package and receive a discount on it.

Laser Hair Removal - Ways of pricing Fee per unit of time of consultation – the process of electrolysis has a common pricing structure and other laser clinics also charge as per the time spent in the process of laser hair removal. Usually the session lasts for 15 minutes and you will be charged a flat fee of 15 minutes duration. If you require a multiple sessions of 15 minutes for removal of the hairs then your fees will be multiplied as per the number of sessions you attend. Apart from the timing of consultation, the cost may also vary as per the speed of the technician, amount of hair, and the speed of the equipment.

Price per laser pulse used – The price for laser hair removal can be charged on the basis of the number of laser pulses required for completing a particular body area. Every time a laser is shot, a pulse is counted. One pulse takes around one second and it can lead to the removal of many hundred hairs. There are some clinics that charge price per pulse.

Laser hair removal prices in UK clinics are roughly as shown below :

Upper Lip : £40.00 – £55.00, Full Beard : £82.00 – £110.00, Full Face : £90.00 – £140.00, Chest : £75.00 – £140.00, Full Back : £150.00 – £220.00, Under Arms : £40.00 – £55.00, Bikini Line : £40.00 – £80.00, , Full Arms : £145.50 – £220.00 and Full Legs : £170.00 – £320.00

Laser Hair Removal – Sessions

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The number of sessions required for the Laser Hair Removal depends on the various factors such as skin type, skin colour, area of hair growth, density of the hair and other reasons. The multiple treatments usually last for typically 6-8 sessions that are 8-12 weeks apart. It will lead to permanent removal of hair in majority of the body area being treated. The current parameters suggest a series of treatments on the basis of typical hair cycle patterns for every area. The number of sessions required is based on various parameters such as skin colour, coarseness of hair, area of the body treated, sex of the person and reason for hirsutism.

Laser Hair Removal - Sessions It is easier to treat the coarse dark hair on light skin and the darker skin is harder to treat. The fine hairs are seldom affected. There are certain areas that need considerable treatments for achieving the desired results. Moreover, the hair grows in various phases including anagen, telogen, and catagen. The treatment of laser is effective only current active growing follicles called as anagen. It takes many sessions for killing the hair in all phases of its growth. Laser is not very effective in cases of light-coloured hair and fine and vellus hair of any colour. For those types of hair, Electrolysis provides the permanent solution.

There are various intervals between the sessions and duration of such intervals depends on the body area and length of hair cycle in that area. These treatments are usually spaced 8–12 weeks apart. In case of removal of facial hair, the more number of treatments are required while the legs hairs need fewer treatments. One should experience the shedding of the treated hairs before going for another session and it may take 2-3 weeks for the effects to be seen.

Laser Hair Removal- Back Hair

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The hair removal on the backside of the body is done less for the cosmetic reasons but to get rid of itchiness and irritation. It may occur due to the infection of the hair follicles and this discomfort is generally worsens in warm climate or after exercises, and sweating. The back hairs may be dense or sparse. The laser hair removal therapy can be used for eliminating or reducing the undesired hair in both the cases. The type of laser selected for the removal of the back hair depends on the type of back hair and it needs to be selected with caution so as to give best treatment option to the patient.

Laser Hair Removal- Back Hair Laser hair removal is more effective as compared to shaving or waxing in the removal of back hair. Moreover, the options such as using depilatory creams, waxing, shaving, etc. may have limitations in controlling the back hair growth. A person cannot do it alone and need the help of others while applying depilatory creams or shaving the back hair. Waxing presents a good long term effect in producing hair-free skin that may continue for several weeks. However, waxing leads to irritation of the skin and result in skin pigmentation.

There are many advantages of Laser Hair Removal for Back Hair over other options available in the market. There are many lasers available in the market that corresponds to the availability of the light sources. Each laser has a specific effect on a patient and that depends on the hair colour, hair density, skin colour, and hair thickness. The clinics that provide wide range of light sources and lasers are most suitable for laser hair removal. One laser hair removal session covers the back of a patient and is well tolerated. A permanent reduction in back hair growth will require five or six laser sessions. The results of back hair removal by laser are very good.

Laser Parameters

October 5, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

The laser hair removal treatment uses the laser beams of several wavelengths. In fact, the laser energy varies in wavelength from visible light to near-infrared radiation. These lasers are defined by the lasing medium applied for creating the wavelength.

Various types of laser used for hair removal are as follows:

Laser Parameters Ruby laser – 694.3 nm (OrangeRed) – It is also not used for hair removal and it is found to be safe only in patients that have very pale skin.

Alexandrite- 755 nm (Red) It is very effective on pale skin and is not safe on darker skin.

Pulsed diode array – 810 nm (Near-Infrared) It is used for pale to medium type skin.

Nd:YAG laser – 1064 nm (Near-Infrared) It is prepared for treating darker skin types and is generally effective on all skin types.

The Pulse width of the laser used for the hair removal is an important factor. The longer pulse widths are safer for darker skin, however shorter pulse widths are effective in removing the hair follicles. The repetition rate creates a cumulative effect and it is based on principle of thermal relaxation time. By shooting two or three pulses on the same target area with delay between pulses leads to improvement in the heating of area. It may also enhance the "kill rate" for each treatment.

The treatment is also affected by the width of the laser beam. The width of the ideal beam is approx four times in width as the depth of the target. The hair removal lasers possess a spot size of the size of a fingertip and the larger spot sizes assists in deeper penetrations leading to faster and effective treatment.

Fluence or energy level is also important parameter in laser hair removal treatment. It is measured in joules per square cm (J/cm²) and one should ensure to provide treatment at high enough settings for heating the follicles to render them unproductive for hair growth. Epidermal cooling is another factor that allows higher fluences and thereby reducing the pain and side effects in darker skin.

Laser Hair Removal – Temporary Side Effects

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There are various temporary side effects that can occur instantly after the treatment with laser hair removal. These temporary effects disappear eventually with time and some effects may take few days to weeks to recover. Some of the common temporary side effects faced after the treatment with Laser include the following.

Laser Hair Removal - Temporary Side Effects Swelling – It is a normal to have swelling in the treated area. The swelling may prove to be uncomfortable depending on the area being treated. One should get rid of these problems by using topical treatments as recommended by your practitioner.

Pain – Laser hair removal is a bit painful procedure but it is also the least painful as compared with other treatment options like waxing or shaving. Patient may feel pain both during the process and after the procedure. The pain experienced during the treatment is alleviated by using a local anaesthetic as recommended by the practitioner. This pain can be relieved by using the prescribed pain relief medication.

Hyperpigmentation – It refers to the development of the dark spots on and around the treated areas. This side effect takes considerable time for getting treated.

Blistering – Once the treatment is over, patient may develop blisters on the skin. These blisters are painful and may be temporarily embarrassing. It occurs due to the usage of higher influence laser particularly in case of dark skin. These blisters can be treated by using the tissue cooling via a cryogen spray or contact chill tip.

Redness – the redness is another common side effect being observed in the patients in the affected region. However, it is not so serious and can be easily treated. If it is on your face then it may be case feeling uncomfortable. One can use the topical treatment in the affected region as prescribed by the physician.

Laser Hair Removal – Post Treatment Care 2

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It is recommended using sun screen on any treated areas that are exposed to the sun. One should take care to minimize the exposure to the sun of the area being treated before and after Laser hair removal treatment. The exposure to the sun leads to irritation and burning on the treated skin areas. Moreover, any darkening of the skin those result due to the exposure in sun can affect the results of any follow-up treatments. One should take care to apply a good and suitable sun screen in case the skin is exposed to sun. The recommended Sun screen is one with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Laser Hair Removal – Post Treatment Care You should take care to not shave the treated area for avoiding any complication. It is because the shaving of treated skin can results in irritation of the skin and slows down the skin recovery post treatment. One can resume the shaving after some time that is usually 4 days after the procedure and after consultations with the physician. It is advisable to not go for waxing, bleaching, plucking and tweezing any time during laser hair removal treatments. It also includes any time between the treatments. These processes that cause the hair removal promote skin irritation. It is also successful for future laser sessions where the hair follicle contains the pigmented hair. The pigmented hair absorbs the laser light and assists in damaging the hair follicle.

You can go back to your practitioner after the treatment after a week or so to see how your skin is improving. Practitioner will analyse the results of the treatment and notice how the hair and skin are treated. You can consult with your practitioner and tell him about any complication you are facing. You can also take valuable advice regarding the skin recovery and care.